All Access Coaching


All access coaching includes an initial video call as well as a video call after each training cycle (~10-14 weeks). Training is adjusted as needed after each week’s check-in. Check-ins include a fatigue/well-being survey and performance review. Your coach will give feedback as necessary on training execution and is always available for guidance/to answer questions.


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“After struggling with various cookie cutter programs, I started working with Coach Josh as an early intermediate. He has tailored the training to enable me to make progress consistently. The training is never stale, and the progression clear, with metrics to help me understand the variations in training load/recovery. For the first time, I am making obvious strength and aesthetic gains. Coach Josh is responsive, and we do a detailed check-in weekly, discussing various options and victories/setbacks.”

— Luther

“Zac has designed programs for me targeted toward numerous different goals, including body recomposition, maximal economy of gym time, and powerlifting meet prep. Every training block written by Zac has been extremely productive and enjoyable - I've hit numerous PRs under his coaching without ever becoming psychologically or physically burned out. Zac is a phenomenal coach who combines a strong academic background in exercise physiology with excellent communication skills and attention to his clients' training goals, preferences, and enjoyment of training. If you're looking for strength coaching tailor-made to meet your unique goals, give Data Driven Strength a try - you won't be disappointed!”

— Scott

“I've worked with Zac for almost a year now. During that time I've easily made the most consistent progress in my training since my novice days. The way Zac has tailored my program to my preferences has meant that my motivation to train has stayed high; consequently, I have not missed a single workout. The rapid feedback I receive on my lifts means that my technique remains on point and I have avoided those niggles that can really set your training back. In summary I couldn't be more pleased with my experience with Data Driven Strength.”

— Matthew

“My experience as a Data Driven Strength client has been nothing but positive. I've been able to increase my powerlifting total, work towards body composition goals, and expand my own knowledge on programming for strength. If you're looking for affable coaches that will guide you towards your training goals in an intelligently individualized manner, you're in the right place.”

— Drake

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